Sustainable approaches and disclosures

Whilst the implemented sustainable approaches of the SICAV’s asset managers may vary, FDC endeavours to implement overarching criteria. These criteria are currently the LuxFLAG label eligibility criteria as well as the EU Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) criteria. It is worth mentioning that although FDC’s SICAV is out of scope of given regulation, FDC has decided to voluntarily comply with the SFDR regulation in the interest of transparency and to be able to report in a predefined and standardised format.

Indeed, SFDR imposes various sustainability-related disclosures both at entity and financial product level. Entity level disclosures should notably address how sustainability risks are integrated and how principal adverse impacts (PAIs) are assessed. These disclosures can be found below.

Sustainability risks statement related to FDC's SICAV (Pdf, 729 Kb) The SICAV's PAI statement (Pdf, 177 Kb)

At financial product level, SFDR classifies products into three categories:

  • Article 6: products without a sustainability scope.
  • Article 8: products that promote environmental and/or social objectives and may invest in sustainable investments, but do not have sustainable investing as core objective.
  • Article 9: products that make a positive impact on society or the environment through sustainable investments and have a clear sustainable investment objective

Under SFDR, Article 6 products must nevertheless disclose the manner in which sustainability risks are integrated into their investment decisions as well as an assessment of the likely impacts of sustainability risks on returns. These information are included in the SICAV's issue document.

In addition to the information on sustainability risks, Article 8 or 9 products must disclose on a variety of sustainability and ESG topics to be materialised within:

  • specific website disclosures;
  • pre-contractual disclosures as per pre-defined templates;
  • periodic disclosures as per pre-defined templates.

Divulgations in relation to the SICAV's Article 8 or 9 financial products can be found below.

Allianz Global Investors implements sustainable approaches for an Euro-denominated green bonds sub-fund, an Euro-denominated bonds sub-fund and a global small cap equities sub-fund on behalf of FDC's SICAV.

The sustainable approaches are labelled "ESG" by LuxFLAG. The Euro-denominated green bonds sub-fund is classified SFDR Article 9 whereas the Euro-denominated bonds sub-fund and the global small cap equities sub-fund are classified SFDR Article 8.

Click here to visualise LuxFLAG's eligibility criteria in relation to its ESG label.

Click here to visualise SFDR website disclosures in relation to the sub-funds Allianz Global Investors is managing. (Pdf, 1.04 Mb)

Click here to visualise SFDR pre-contractual disclosures in relation to the sub-funds Allianz Global Investors is managing. (Pdf, 1.71 Mb)

Click here to visualise SFDR periodic disclosures in relation to the sub-funds Allianz Global Investors is managing. (Pdf, 1.72 Mb)


Impax Asset Management, to whom the financial management is delegated by BNP Paribas Asset Management, implements a sustainable approach for a sustainable impact equities sub-fund on behalf of FDC's SICAV.

The sustainable approach is labelled "Environment" by LuxFLAG and the sub-fund is classified SFDR Article 9.

Click here to visualise LuxFLAG's eligibility criteria in relation to its Environment label.

Click here to visualise SFDR website disclosures in relation to the sub-fund Impax Asset Management is managing.

Click here to visualise SFDR pre-contractual disclosures in relation to the sub-fund Impax Asset Management is managing.

Click here to visualise SFDR periodic disclosures in relation to the sub-funds Impax Asset Management is managing. (Pdf, 711 Kb)


LaSalle Investment Management implements a sustainable approach for a global real estate sub-fund on behalf of FDC's SICAV.

Click here to visualise LaSalle Investment Management's sustainable approach.

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