FDC's sustainable approaches and disclosures
Allianz Global Investors implements sustainable approaches for an Euro-denominated green bonds sub-fund, an Euro-denominated bonds sub-fund and a global small cap equities sub-fund on behalf of FDC's SICAV.
The sustainable approaches are labelled "ESG" by LuxFLAG. The Euro-denominated green bonds sub-fund is classified SFDR Article 9 whereas the Euro-denominated bonds sub-fund and the global small cap equities sub-fund are classified SFDR Article 8.
Click here to visualise LuxFLAG's eligibility criteria in relation to its ESG label.
Amundi Asset Management implements a sustainable approach for an Euro-denominated bonds sub-fund and an emerging markets bonds sub-fund on behalf of FDC's SICAV.
The sustainable approaches are labelled "ESG" by LuxFLAG and both sub-funds are classified SFDR Article 8.
Click here to visualise LuxFLAG's eligibility criteria in relation to its ESG label.
AXA Investment Managers implements sustainable approaches for an Euro-denominated liquidities sub-fund and for a global bonds sub-fund on behalf of FDC's SICAV.
The sustainable approaches are labelled "ESG" by LuxFLAG and both sub-funds are classified SFDR Article 8.
Click here to visualise LuxFLAG's eligibility criteria in relation to its ESG label.
BlackRock Investment Management implements a sustainable approach for an indexed Paris aligned global bonds sub-fund on behalf of FDC's SICAV.
The sub-fund is classified SFDR Article 8.
CBRE Global Investment Partners implements a sustainable approach for a global real estate sub-fund on behalf of FDC's SICAV.
Click here to visualise CBRE Global Investment Partners' sustainable approach.
Franklin Templeton Investment Management implements a sustainable approach for a global bonds sub-fund on behalf of FDC's SICAV.
The sustainable approach is labelled "ESG" by LuxFLAG and the sub-fund is classified SFDR Article 8.
Click here to visualise LuxFLAG's eligibility criteria in relation to its ESG label.
HSBC Global Asset Management implements sustainable approaches for a Euro-denominated bonds sub-fund as well as for a global equities sub-fund on behalf of FDC's SICAV.
The sustainable approaches are labelled "ESG" by LuxFLAG and both sub-fund are classified SFDR Article 8.
Click here to visualise LuxFLAG's eligibility criteria in relation to its ESG label.
Impax Asset Management, to whom the financial management is delegated by BNP Paribas Asset Management, implements a sustainable approach for a sustainable impact equities sub-fund on behalf of FDC's SICAV.
The sustainable approach is labelled "Environment" by LuxFLAG and the sub-fund is classified SFDR Article 9.
Click here to visualise LuxFLAG's eligibility criteria in relation to its Environment label.
LaSalle Investment Management implements a sustainable approach for a global real estate sub-fund on behalf of FDC's SICAV.
Click here to visualise LaSalle Investment Management's sustainable approach.
MFS Investment Management Company implements a sustainable approach for an emerging markets equities sub-fund on behalf of FDC's SICAV.
The sustainable approach is labelled "ESG" by LuxFLAG and the sub-fund is classified SFDR Article 8.
Click here to visualise LuxFLAG's eligibility criteria in relation to its ESG label.
Neuberger Berman Asset Management implements a sustainable approach for a global bonds sub-fund on behalf of FDC's SICAV.
The sustainable approach is labelled "ESG" by LuxFLAG and the sub-fund is classified SFDR Article 8.
Click here to visualise LuxFLAG's eligibility criteria in relation to its ESG label.
Robeco Institutional Asset Management implements a sustainable approach for a global equities sub-fund on behalf of FDC's SICAV.
The sustainable approach is labelled "ESG" by LuxFLAG and the sub-fund has been classified as SFDR Article 8.
Click here to visualise LuxFLAG's eligibility criteria in relation to its ESG label.
State Street Global Advisors implements a sustainable approach for an indexed Paris aligned global equities sub-fund on behalf of FDC's SICAV.
The sub-fund is classified SFDR Article 8.
Union Investment Institutional implements a sustainable approach for a global equities sub-fund on behalf of FDC's SICAV.
The sustainable approach is labelled "ESG" by LuxFLAG and the sub-fund is classified SFDR Article 8.
Click here to visualise LuxFLAG's eligibility criteria in relation to its ESG label.
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