Since its creation in 2004, Fonds de compensation commun au régime général de pension manages the compensation reserve through a diversified portfolio subject to return and risk criteria in order to guarantee the long-term viability of the general pension insurance scheme of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.
Responsible Investor Report 2024
FDC's responsible investor policy has evolved significantly since the publication of its 1st Responsible Investor Report in 2020. The 2nd edition of given report details the efforts undertaken since then while including a thorough climate and ESG audit.
FDC's major real estate initiatives: architectural competition "Nei Hollerich Ouest"
Following an architectural competition organised in two stages, several winners were designated as part of the development of the site "Nei Hollerich"
Sustainable Investor Factsheet 2022
The Sustainable Investor Factsheet 2022 is the second annual report showing FDC’s carbon footprint, while highlighting the key elements and developments of its responsible investor policy in relation to the year 2022.
Strategic asset allocation
The choice of the strategic portfolio, i.e. the relative exposure to the different asset classes retained, contributes to the creation of value and to the growth of the capital entrusted to FDC.
The sustainable approaches of FDC's asset managers
The sustainable approach pursued by an asset manager is an integral component of its investment strategy and process executed on behalf of FDC, particularly in terms of financial and risk analysis.
FDC's major real estate initiatives: the Cité de la sécurité sociale
The Cité de la sécurité sociale project was launched by the FDC with the aim of centralising all social security institutions on a single site.
Requests for proposal
FDC is required to comply with the Luxembourgish procurement legislation when awarding its contracts and selecting its services providers.
Currently, there is no request for proposal in progress.
FDC's publications
FDC publishes its financial results on a yearly basis. Click here to see FDC's financial and extra-financial reports as well as all other publications.
FDC'S RESERVE 31-12-2023
FDC'S RETURN 31-12-2023*
(*annualised since launch of the SICAV)
Responsible investment: update of excluded companies
In the context of its sustainable investor policy, FDC has approved an update of companies excluded for investment. In all, 123 different companies are excluded.
Unaudited results 2024 of FDC's SICAV
In 2024, FDC’s SICAV earned a return on investment of about 11.9%, equivalent to roughly 2.9 billion euro. Main drivers were again the SICAV’s equity investments. At year-end, the SICAV had thus a value of 27.1 billion euro.
Responsible investment: publication of FDC's second Sustainable Investor Report
FDC's responsible investor policy has evolved significantly since the publication of its 1st Responsible Investor Report in 2020. The 2nd edition of given report details the efforts undertaken since then while including a thorough climate and ESG audit.
Awarding of a consultancy services mandate
FDC has awarded a consultancy services mandate tendered via a request for proposal launched during June 2024.
Annual reports: publication of FDC's annual report 2023
2023 was marked by persistent geopolitical tensions, a still fragile economic recovery and the expectations about inflation being contained and that central bank rates would return to a level more propitious to economic development.
Launch of a new request for proposal
On 3 June 2024, FDC launched a new request for proposal regarding the awarding of a consultancy services mandate on behalf of FDC and its SICAV.
Awarding of a portfolio management mandate
FDC has awarded a portfolio management mandate on behalf of its SICAV in relation to global sustainable infrastructure tendered via a request for proposal launched during December 2023.
Annual reports: publication of the annual audited report 2023 of FDC's SICAV
The annual audited report 2023 of FDC's investment vehicle is now available.
Responsible investment: LuxFLAG certifications
Since April 2024, FDC has been awarded with fifteen certifications from the Luxembourgish labelling agency LuxFLAG.
Responsible investment: update of excluded companies
In the context of its sustainable investor policy, FDC has approved an update of companies excluded for investment. In all, 137 different companies are excluded.
Unaudited results 2023 of FDC's SICAV
In 2023, FDC’s SICAV earned a return on investment of about 10.4%, equivalent to roughly 2.3 billion euro. Main drivers were the SICAV’s equity investments. At year-end, the SICAV had thus a value of about 24.2 billion euro.
Responsible investment: FDC becomes a signatory of Climate Action 100+
Climate Action 100+ aims to ensure the world’s largest corporate greenhouse gas emitters take necessary action on climate change.