Zentrale Achse Nordstad

  • in planning phase/under construction


  • FDC owns an industrial site in Diekirch and Erpeldange to be redeveloped by 2030 at the latest
  • site with a total area of 8.19 hectares
  • development of a joint special development plan (PAP) with the neighbouring owners: PAP Walebroch
  • FDC signed a sale before completion transaction regarding a multifunctional building complex: Centre Administratif Nordstad
  • complex with a constructed gross area of 20.000 m2
  • scheduled to be delivered to FDC end of 2025/beginning 2026
PAP Walebroch
  • 2017: discussions with the state authorities within the master plan Zentrale Achse Nordstad master plan for the development of a PAP called Walebroch
  • 2020: creation of the Nordstad Entwécklungsgesellschaft SARL (NEG) and resumption of discussions with the municipal authorities and neighbouring landowners for the realisation of a joint PAP Walebroch
  • 2021: organisation of several meetings by the NEG for the development of the draft joint PAP
  • 2022: signing of a commitment agreement on the development of the joint PAP
  • 2022: awarding of the contract for the development studies of the joint PAP to the joint venture Luxplan SA and Jonas Architectes Associés
  • 2023: development of an urban planning concept

Centre Administratif Nordstad
  • 2022: signature of a sale before completion transaction ("VEFA") between FDC and company Landimmo Real Estate S.à r.l. regarding a multifunctional building complex developed by the latter and henceforth named Centre Administratif Nordstad
  • 2023: realisation of earthworks and structural work

Last update