Nei Hollerich

  • in planning phase
  • the Cité de la sécurité sociale will lead to the vacation of the Office des assurances sociales located in the Hollerich district
  • to allow a forthcoming optimal urbanisation of the cleared land, a joint special development plan (PAP) is being drawn up with the City of Luxembourg and the owners of the neighbouring sites (Heintz van Landewyck and Paul Wurth S.A.)
  • gross surface area of the PAP is 20.52 hectares, of which 2.45 hectares belong to FDC
  • total gross building surface of 390 000 m2, of which 46 550 m2 belong to FDC
Urbanisation of the site of the Office des assurances sociales
  • 2016: discussions with the City of Luxembourg and the owners of the neighbouring sites, during which it was decided, among other things, that a joint special development plan (PAP) would be drawn up
  • 2017: to have an initial urbanisation concept of the given site, Albert Speer & Partner GmbH and Architectes Paczowski et Fritsch S.à r.l. were mandated to draw up an urbanisation study. Simultaneously, discussions were continued with several involved parties
  • 2017: signing of an agreement regulating the collaboration between the various parties involved with a view to drawing up a joint PAP
  • 2018: following the entry into force of the law of 15 May 2018 on environmental impact assessment, start of the environmental impact assessment studies (EIR procedure) for the given site
  • 2019: refinement of the urban planning studies and progress of the negociations with the municipal authorities and other involved parties for the preparation of the final PAP
  • 2020: submission of the PAP application
  • 2020: initiation of a working group by the Ministry of Mobility and Public Works for the optimisation of the multimodal hub (bus/tram/train) to be realised
  • 2021: approval of the PAP by the responsible Minister
  • 2022: continuation of the studies related to the PAP implementation agreement and creation of a working group for the coordination of infrastructure stakeholders
  • 2022: mandate awarded to company Paul Wurth Geprolux to draw up the specifications for remediation and deconstruction works of the Office des assurances sociales vacated early 2023
  • 2023: start of remediation and deconstruction work

Development of the disctrict "Nei Hollerich"
  • 2022: parallel to the urbanisation studies of the site of the Office des assurances sociales, launch of the construction studies for the buildings to be implemented on the PAP plots allocated to FDC
  • 2022: mandate awarded to the joint venture Zeyen-Baumann and Dewey-Müller to provide assistant project management services in view of organising the urban planning and architectural competition for the appointment of the project manager responsible for planning the buildings to be developed by FDC
  • 2023: launch of the urban planning and architectural competition, final projects need to be handed in by end of March 2024 





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