Responsible investment: update of FDC's exclusion list 30.06.2022 communiques FDC has just approved an update of its exclusion list. 137 companies are currently excluded and thus ineligible for investment.
Annual reports: publication of the annual audited report 2021 of FDC's SICAV 29.04.2022 rapports-financiers The annual audited report 2021 of FDC's investment vehicle is now available.
Awarding of portfolio management mandates 13.04.2022 FDC has awarded the portfolio management mandates on behalf of its SICAV tendered via the request for proposal launched on 1 October 2021.
Responsible investment: update of FDC's exclusion list 18.11.2021 communiques FDC has just approved an update of its exclusion list. 121 companies are currently excluded and thus ineligible for investment.
Responsible investment: FDC now awarded with 12 LuxFLAG certifications 26.10.2021 communiques Since October 2021, FDC is awarded with twelve certifications from the Luxembourgish labelling agency LuxFLAG.
Launch of a new request for proposal 01.10.2021 On 1 October 2021, the FDC launched a new request for proposal regarding the awarding of six portfolio management mandates on behalf of it's SICAV.
Annual reports: publication of FDC's annual report 2020 02.07.2021 rapports-financiers FDC's annual report 2020 outlines the highlights of the past year as well as FDC's year-end results.
Responsible investment: update of FDC's exclusion list 17.06.2021 communiques FDC has just approved an update of its exclusion list. 124 companies are currently excluded and thus ineligible for investment.
Responsible investment: a part of FDC's forest properties declared natural reserve 09.06.2021 communiques By grand-ducal regulation, a part of FDC's forest properties located on the territories of the municipalities of Nommern and Larochette has been declared a protected area of national interest in the form of a natural reserve.
Annual reports: publication of the annual audited report 2020 of FDC's SICAV 10.05.2021 rapports-financiers The annual audited report 2020 of FDC's investment vehicle is now available.